Any given management or leadership theory is likely to be referenced to the culture in which it was researched and developed. Accordingly, if you try to “export” that theory or practice to a different culture, its implementation will be a challenge. To understand that challenge, this blog takes management theories and analyses them from a cultural point of view. With that objective, there are a number of dynamics:
Having recently done an MBA, I have trailed through hundreds of management articles. Some of them were so good that in the context of this current project, I thought I’d use them as the starting point of the cultural review; however for ease of reference (and in order not to read them a third time), the added benefit is to produce a summary digest of good management articles.
In order to understand, I need to reflect. In particular, being intuitive (rather than logical) I tend to synthesise rather than analyse: trying to make a unifying vision of what really matters. Enjoying theory and conceptual frameworks, I believe that understanding comes from exploring ideas, original discourse and review.
I expect my understanding to evolve the more I review. If that can also help others’ learning and development in a collaborative manner, then so much the better! I therefore welcome and actively encourage comments and further discussion of these postings (all of which have thus far been received by email). Contact me at